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Friday, March 17, 2017

NSWC Suffolk Alumni Whisk(e)y Tasting Re-Cap:

We are so grateful for all the relationships we've made along our 'whisky journey' and events like the one we were lucky enough to host last night for the Suffolk University Alumni, continue to further that gratefulness.

Darren and I are proud Suffolk University alums and were delighted to be even a small part of a wonderful and well balanced evening in a truly remarkable setting right in the middle of historic downtown Boston.

Sargent Hall (left), Suffolk University, Downtown Boston

Special thanks to Kate Evans who chaired the event and Joe Delisi who heads up the Alumni Board.

This was to be a blind tasting which is always fun. It eliminates any preconceived notions for anyone who is already a whisky drinker and lets everyone be very open and honest as to what they might be (or not be) smelling and tasting.

The Tasting Mat

3 rounds with 2 whiskies each - round 1 (USA), round 2 (World), round 3 (Scottish). We revealed the selections after each round so as not to keep everyone in suspense until the very end (just the kinda guys we are).

Thanks to all who helped us set up the room!

The space they provided us was spectacular with views outside the huge windows of Boston's golden domed State House, the historic and beautiful Park Street Church (same church in the 1st picture above) as well as the (also historic) Granary Burying Ground at which there are a number of probably historic people that were buried a long long time ago (is it obvious I did zero research on that...?)

But it's the people that made the event a success.

After an introduction from Kate we were off and running explaining our experience at Suffolk and how the North Shore Whisky Club got started.

State House photo bomb!

Round 1 reveal!
Bourbon & Rye

Between rounds 1 & 2 Dean Toyoda spoke to all in attendance about the innovation initiatives taking place at Suffolk (our opinion is that she is a very smart person and Suffolk is lucky to have her). We're out on a limb, I know...

Round 2 Reveal!
Irish & Indian

Between rounds 2 & 3 Gabriella introduced the 'Innovative Crowd Funding' course at Suffolk and showed a video from a local television news broadcast which highlighted 2 successful students who are in the process of launching their respective companies.

Jaime Manning & James Testa

Jaime Manning who has been on Shark Tank and will be launching his new delivery accepting business in the near future & James Testa who is launching his company next month called Warm UP Protein Coffee! Truly inspiring to see such young, personable and dedicated students boldly reaching for their dreams. Suffolk should be well proud indeed.

Round 3 Reveal!
Highland Park & Laphroaig

After round 3 Joe Delisi thanked everyone for attending/participating while reminding everyone of the importance of staying connected and supporting Suffolk programs and events. He then encourages everyone to give to the Annual Fund to help support the school in general and help continue the traditions that have been so thoughtfully looked after since the university's inception.

Joe Delisi
(Good call asking for the money after the crowd is loaded up with great whisky!)

North Shore Whisky Club Co-Founders Darren & George
with Kate Evans (Kate's the one in the middle ha!)

We want to finally (and again) express our heartfelt thanks for being included in this wonderful event and we hope to see you all next year!
George & Darren

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! This whisky party is really looking good. Never attended whisky party before, but would love to attend it in future. Recently my friend arranged a beer tasting party at one of San Francisco event venues where he had variety of branded beers.
